Amanda Joy BFA- Muzzled and Compelled to Be Silent

"Muzzled and Compelled to Be Silent"
Multi-process copper etching
This was an assignment to learn multiple intaglio processes.  Included are 70+ hours of hard ground, soft ground, dry point, spit bite, rosin application, mezzotint, viscosity rolls, scraping, and burnishing.
Etching 3215
April 2017

This pieced involved looking at a fairy tale, and giving it a present day application.  The assignment came at the same week as Donald Trump's inauguration as United States President.  I am unaffiliated with either major political party... but was deeply troubled that someone who viewed women so poorly, could make it to that level of power.

Having been on the receiving end of sexual harassment on more than one occasion... raising a daughter who has been assaulted at elementary school twice by boys who had seen things that they never should have... having female friends/family members abused... and knowing that countless women are viewed as conquests and were "asking for it",  I could not abide the thought that the President carried views that this behavior was remotely acceptable.

Women are compelled to be silent.
We are told-
"What we wore invited it"
"We shouldn't have been out that late"
"The fact that a woman was under the influence of something makes it okay"
"If we want to get ahead in the class, job, show there is some sexual quid pro quo"
"That because you are married, consent ends"
"This is no big deal, but keep it a secret or you will get in trouble... or I will hurt or kill you or your family"
"If you really loved me, you would do ______!"

With every effort, I will raise my daughters to have a voice, and my son to respect and defend the voices of the women around him... in a society that frequently devalues us.