"We Began As Wanderers"
Multi Plate Etching on copper
Key plate with structured image of the star chart in the hard ground, and dipped in ferric acid.
Back plate used a combination of fine rosin and large granules of sifted rosin... lends to the nebulaic flow of spit bite using nitric acid.
White paper with key plate in black ink and back plate in a la poupee.
Black paper with key plate in white ink and back plate in muted a la poupee.
Etching 3215
April 2017
Renowned astronomer
Carl Sagan said, "We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still."
Tao Te Ching Chapter 25 enhances the notion of the global family working
symbolically with the Earth, the Earth with the ways of Heaven and God
or Tao, and Tao modeling the ways of nature. We are part of a
beautifully changing life cycle. From chaos, we can obtain calm. We
can view the quiet majesty of the heavens, and see the infinite,
unyielding expanse. We can explore our true-self in the knowledge that
we are part of the cosmic evolution... that we are not insignificant.